hey everybody,whats up....recently ada bnyk bnda yg jadi...its either happened kat kedah (my second house to proud of) ke kajang (long live kajang!!!) or all over the world but it really bother me lah!!
bayangkanlah kn isu kecik kuman pon nk besa jadi sebesar ikan paus tu....jadi dgn mnggunakan konsep 3R yg dh lama aku praktikkan (releks,respect and respond) aku pon nk la share dgn sape2 je yg sudi bace so that kita bole take a second to reflect ourself...
1)first thing first....countdown utk balik kajang ku yg trsayang sgt.....lagi berapa hari tah??
wow alhamdulillah....how fast the time are kn?3 days more to go!!! since my ayah pun dh give me a call to ask about my shoe size,mmg eager la nk balik.....so,dear family and kajang....wait me to celebrate the remaining ramadhan n eidul fitri together ok?? :)
2)next...how about my study ?? ok ke?hebat sgt dh ke ?? final exam pun dh around the corner,test pun mnyesakkn but alhamdulillah for next sem there will be no xtra co for me... hahaha and agak depress gak la since my outline and first draft for BEL subject dh bagai nk sikit lagi kena humban dlm tong sampah sbb x mncapai tahap piawaian yg d tetapkn...but still we keep repeating the same mistake and errors since the lecturer ask us to do on our own without his help...so what must we do?let it be or let us do by our own so that we know our mistake... hmmmm.....
3)friends pulak mcm mna??? no more gaduh2 or masam muka since ramadhan is the time for us to rest ourself from any negative traits and intention but still it doesn't mean we can do anything for the other months..and are we realize or not we are nearing to the end of ramadhan...NO MORE sahur at 5 am,bazar ramadhan,bubur lambuk,and 8 rakaat of tarawih...i really hope that the next ramadhan for me its better than this year but the qustion are....IS THERE RAMADHAN FOR ME NEXT YEAR AND WILL I BE ABLE TO EXPERIENCE THE RAMADHAN NEXT YEAR?? ONLY ALLAH KNOWS.....INSYALLAH...MAY ALLAH LET ME
4)KESIHATAN..alhamdulillah when it comes to my healthy,i can say that ALLAH give my such a good and healthy body and mind for me to survive as a servant of HIM....no batuk2,demam2 yg teruk setakat ini alhamdulillah..thank you ALLAH..
5)what more?? i have good and supporting family,nice friends,excitement life..and i really appreciate it.....
till then
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