Friday, May 17, 2013

i am a masscomers


hai readers,lama xupdate blog since my last post psl atok..anyway for those yg trtanya2 psl atok..shes getting better..a lot of improvement cuma skrg dia dh kat kl..under hospital cmc...thank u dr zam for taking a good care of her...tapi ketentuan Allah tu kita xjangka kan? lps atok my uncle, nik adeeb pulak kena yg sama cuma lain nya uncle adeeb pnya condition lg worse...xleh bercakap,respond and even breath on his own...after ccu kat hospital putrajaya, dia pun di letakkn kat cmc jugak under dr zam..and it is an advantage for us to visit both of them in once...but pity amalin sbb spm tahun ni, so it is hard for her..but we always pray the best for now dah week 10 at uitm shah alam..what? uitm shah alam? hahaha okey..i'm continuing my degree at uitm shah alam..taking pr..rmai yg tnya pr tu apa? pakatan rakyat? hehehe pr stand for public relation...under masscom..huuhuu at last masscom gak jd pilihan hati...smoga smua nya dpt brjln lancar utk degree xsemua yg kita nak tu akan dpt kan? first 3 weeks kat shah alam,rsa dia mcm HAMBAR! okeyy sgt! even dkt dgn rumah tp still roomate xohsem...klsmate xsekepala...n serius ckp aku kna culture shock.. OMG! culture shock sgt ain oii..pls lah kita smua sma je....smua baru part 1..jd nk diva sgt okeyyy hahaha then aku plan utk try bnda baru kat uitm shah alam so that at least ada 1 bnda yg aku syg kat shah i started to join SMF..Seketariat Mahasiswa Fakulti... a seketariat that combines all sequence in thrilling sbb xprnah la nk join bebenda mcm tu..hahaha then anta borang n dipanggil utk interview...interview? adoi nk ckp apa ni? so gagah kan diri pegi interview,blablabla then mlm tujgk b4 tdo dpt msge yg dh confirm trpilih jd ahli SMF..alhamdulillah..a good start for me :) then dipanggil meeting blablabla event sna sni..yeahhh best!! so introducing my new big family :)

berdiri dari kiri: wawa,ija,me,tini,efa,syed,megat,balqis,nik,as,shera,hany and rudy
duduk dari kiri:pali,remy,mohd,madz,azim,muzakir,edd and azurin
tiada dlm gambar:kak ain and fahmi

so hopefully aku akan kekal dlm SMF for the rest of my degree..hewhewhew..and for my iprmsa,the agm was so the konsert because of this:

song from part 4 student :)

and sekarang pun kwn2 smua pn dh start utk get along together,roomates pn dh tegur2 hehehhe n im offically graduated as a diploma holder! yeahhhh 12 mei 2013 kat datc :)

my darla :) from left: fatin,shahirah,me,alia,yan...j yg kat bwh tu :)

yeahhh!! tahniah for me

sedih sbb xde gambar the whole family since adik sekolah and mira tgh berkhidmat menjadi wirawati negara...haaa kau hade? hahhaha

till then salam,
trustloveandhope :)

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